Navigating the Identity Shift in Motherhood with Andrea Bombino
A comprehensive class on how to navigate the identity shift in motherhood
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Andrea Bombino, a Matrescence Educator and Motherhood Coach, shares the identity shift that occurs during your transition to motherhood and ways in which you can prepare during pregnancy for this shift, as well as when you are going through the shift during postpartum. Andrea is also a mother to a 16-month old girl and has experienced the identity shift in motherhood herself.
• How motherhood affects your identity
• The seven identity changes in motherhood
• Why you should think the identity shift in pregnancy and what you should know (an area often completely overlooked)
• Practical steps to take during your pregnancy to prepare for this identity transition
• Why is it so common to feel like you are "losing yourself" in motherhood
• How the identity shift in motherhood impacts your relationship with your partner
• 3 practical steps to cope with your change in identity in real-time (during postpartum or further in your motherhood journey) as well as learning mindset skills to help you in moments of stress
✔ Expert-taught course by a Matrescence Educator and Motherhood Coach
✔ 9 in-depth lessons of on-demand content
✔ Audio version of the class to listen to on the go
✔ A 20-page interactive, printable workbook with journal prompts, instruction, and more.
✔ On-demand access to all course material - refer back when you need it most.
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