Freezer Postpartum Meals with Michala Torrisi
A weeks worth of nutrient-dense freezer meals to prep for postpartum
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Michala Torrisi, a Nutritionist and Naturopath, shares the most important nutrients to include for your postpartum journey, and 7 easy and nutritious freezer meals that you can prep for the postpartum period.
• Why nutrition is so important during the postpartum period
• What nutrients are so important for postpartum in order to aid recovery and healing
• 7 quick and easy freezer meal recipes that you can create in your own home and why each one is perfect for postpartum
✔ Expert-taught course by a Certified Nutritionist and Naturopath
✔ 7 in-depth lessons of on-demand content
✔ Audio version of the class to listen to on the go
✔ A 7-page printable recipe cards to prepare your own weeks-worth of postpartum freezer meals
✔ On-demand access to all course material - refer back when you need it most.
Meet the Expert