Pregnancy & Birth 101

Get honest, expert support to help prepare physically and emotionally for a confident transition into motherhood.


Congratulations! You’ll soon be feeling those incredible baby flutters and kicks… and probably a few new anxieties to go with them.

From physical changes in your body to creating a positive and nurtured birth experience, this course will help you manage overwhelm and set the foundation for a smooth journey into motherhood. 

Start it at any point in your pregnancy (the earlier the better!) and refer back to it as many times as you need. 

A holistic approach to pre-baby prep

We all learn differently, so Pregnancy & Birth offers a range of video content and downloadable resources.

Most classes have a practical element too — so you can instantly take an idea or practice and try it at home (such as pelvic floor exercises and guided meditations).

What you’ll learn

What to expect physically and emotionally during your pregnancy
Exercise and nutrition advice
Logistical planning - such as budgeting for baby
Preparing for changes in sleep
How to strengthen your pelvic floor
Setting up for a nurtured birth
Tips for birthing in the covid era
What happens if your baby needs NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) support
Relaxation methods for a positive birth experience

"One of my favorites so far was the prenatal yoga session. At only 11 minutes long it felt very doable, and each time I did it I felt more relaxed in my body. The workbook guides are fantastic too, very straightforward with a nice aesthetic. Thanks so much for this great resource!"


"Such a wonderful way to learn from so many wise women! The clips are interesting and I appreciate that they can easily be watched during a nursing session or otherwise without feeling like a huge chunk of my day has gone."



Instant Access to 15 on-demand, virtual classes


  • Unfortunately not — the classes work best in tandem to give you a solid understanding of that particular stage in the journey (whether pregnancy, birth or postpartum).

  • Yes! If you’d like to cover all bases, you can grab both for a special rate of $125

  • It’s easy — as soon as you purchase the course you’ll be prompted to create an account, which you can log into at any time to view the classes at your own pace.

  • Yes you can (and here’s a virtual high five, because what a good friend!). To gift the course to a special mom-to-be in your life, simply head to “Gift Atlas”.

  • No — our courses offer a holistic perspective on birth and motherhood, and are delivered by experts from all over the world. It doesn't matter if you want a drug-free home birth or a selective c-section. It doesn’t matter if you’re planning to be a stay-at-home-mom or return to work as soon as possible. Whatever your situation, you’ll find an abundance of relevant resources.

  • You’ll get unlimited access for 6 months, which should be plenty of time to watch and digest everything once (if not multiple times!) before your little one arrives.

  • Absolutely. Many moms who take our courses are US-based, but we’ve also had parents from Australia, New Zealand, x and x. That’s the beauty of having the world’s best practices and care methods at your fingertips — you can benefit from learning about things like sophrology, even if this type of therapy isn't available in your country.

  • That’s totally up to you, but we offer 6 months access because the ideal scenario could look something like:

    Pregnancy: Take the course during your pregnancy (half way is often a good time)

    Just before birth: Revisit some/all content as a refresher a few weeks before your due date

    Postpartum: Refer to specific classes as & when you need them during those first wild months as a new mom

  • Society tells us to focus on the health of the baby, to get back to work, to bounce back to our pre-baby bodies, to juggle everything with a smile on our face, and to get on with life as soon as possible. But if a new mother isn’t given priority in her physical health and mental wellbeing, the negative effects can last for years. This is why we created Atlas of Motherhood — to fill a gap in traditional postpartum care, and to serve as a modern, practical and holistic resource to help moms prioritize their health & happiness during the journey.

  • Our messages have never been more timely, given the last couple of years under the uncertainty of covid. Before the pandemic, stress and mental health needs were already high for pregnant and postpartum women, and over the last few years these physical, emotional, and psychological health issues have only increased. It’s time for positive change.


Ready to get started? 

Sign up for Pregnancy & Birth 101 and get 6 months access for $49


Our Prepping for Postpartum Course is designed to be taken during your pregnancy, so you can start putting a plan in place for an easier start into motherhood. From mindset to movement, recovery to nutrition, we have everything you need to prepare for a smooth transition into motherhood.